Through events, programs, and other forms of involvement, the Education Committee seeks to broaden community awareness of open space and instill conservation values, with special emphasis on engaging and inspiring the next generation to love Lyme’s remarkable resources.
Click here to see Upcoming Events.
Youth Programming
- The Tree Collective–ages 14-18: A program designed to engage young conservationists ages 14-18 in outdoor fun and education while working to maintain trails in our beautiful town of Lyme, CT. Learn More.
View slide show of the Tree Collective collective season 2020-2021.
View slide show of the Tree Collective collective season 2019-2020. - Lyme School Curiosity Shop. The Lyme Land Trust provides after-school enrichment for the Lyme School PTO.
For photos in 2022.
For photos in 2023.
For photos in 2024. - Lyme School Grant. The Lyme Land Trust provides a grant for the PTO to bring an environmental enrichment program into each classroom. Programs were presented by the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center in 2022, 2023, and 2024.
For report and photos from 2023
For report and photos from 2024
Interpretive Trails: We create self-guided walks to highlight different aspects of our preserves.
- Banningwood Preserve Map and Self-guided Walk for All Ages
- Banningwood Preserve Map and Self-guided Walk Geology and Ecology
- Lyme Corner Trails Map and Interpretive Trail
Interesting News: We prepare and make available informative articles for the Lyme Land Trust Newsletter and this website.
Scientific Study: We facilitate study of the natural resources present on our preserves for educational and land management purposes.
- Trailside Trespassers – invasive species study in summer 2023 by LLT intern Ashwini Sahasrabudhe, junior at Bowdoin College, and LLT Environmental DirectorJim Arrigoni. Trailside Trespassers: Invasive Plants in our Preserves Presentation 2023.
- Wild Lyme Project – everyone is invited to participate in this citizen scientist project. Using the online community science platform, iNaturalist, we are seeking to better understand the species of plants, animals, fungi and other living things inhabiting Lyme preserves. To learn more.
Partnerships: We join with the schools and other organizations to promote the importance of land conservation.
- Lyme Forest Block Project Phase 2—an initiative launched by Audubon Connecticut, in partnership with and other local land trusts, and municipalities. To learn more about the project and to watch webinars.