Volunteer Stewardship Opportunities for the Lyme Land Trust and the Town of Lyme
We will train you for these different positions for the Lyme Land Trust and Town of Lyme properties!
- Trail volunteer – pitch in to help with basic trail and preserve maintenance. Do on your own or join a group of like-minded volunteers for a scheduled preserve work party. Training, education, and guidance will be provided.
- Property monitor (LLT) – walk the perimeter or boundary of a Lyme Land Trust property once a year – more if possible – and file a report. Become a Property Monitor
- Preserve or Trail Steward – Adopt a LLT or TOL preserve or trail and gain a thorough knowledge and appreciation, monitor regularly (more than once a year), and help with maintenance. LLT property stewards file an annual report. Become a Property Steward
- Chainsaw Brigade– Sign up to be called to remove fallen trees and obstacles as needed in Lyme preserves. Chainsaw Brigade rules:
Always check with us first before performing chainsaw work.
Never work alone.
Use safety equipment and follow common sense guidelines. Training is required for safety purposes.Report back about the trees you have removed.
Minimum age: 18 years old.Heavy Lifting Brigade–The Heavy lifting brigade is a list of people who can be called upon to do work requiring power equipment or heavy manual labor. Helpful skills and tools are:
Able to plan and use power tools for lumber construction – posts, tables, benches, kiosks, gates
Has a small tractor to use for preserve maintenance
Has a power mower or brushhog- for path mowing and clearing of areas.
Post hole digging/ excavation work.
Please submit this form and let us know what position(s) you are interested in. We will get back to you.
Submit a trail report. If you notice a safety issue, a problem area, a fallen tree, suspicious use, or even if you just enjoyed some time in the woods in Lyme – please let us know. You can use a smartphone GPS App to show us the location of any problems.
For Lyme Land Trust: Please Contact Stewardchair@LymeLandTrust.org
For Town of Lyme: Contact the Open Space Coordinator: openspace@townlyme.org