Time: 8:30 pm
Place: Lyme Public Library, 482 Hamburg Rd (Rte 156), Lyme CT
Contact Email: education@lymelandtrust.org
Presenter: John Himmelman
Join author illustrator John Himmelman for a presentation followed by an outside adventure to meet moths, the fascinating and under-appreciated cousins of the butterflies. With about 2600 species of moths in CT, they play a role in pollinating our pathways! These important pollinators exhibit an amazing variety of color shape and behavior. Since most are active at night, we often overlook them. Not Himmelman, though, who has long been attracted to the moths as they are to lights.
John Himmelman is the author and illustrator of Discovering Moths, Nighttime Jewels in Your Own Backyard and other nature books for children and adults. After the program he will sign books. He will bring the moth book for purchase.
To register: programreg@lymepl.org
Rain date: July 25
The program is co-sponsored by the Lyme Pollinator Pathway and the Lyme Land Trust.