Astronomy Observing Session

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Date: Sat October 14, 2023
Time: Noon - 2pm
Place: Lyme Public Library
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!!! seems it only displays well the 2nd time? ugh.

=Registration Not Required=

Come watch the moon take a small bite out of the corner of the Sun as it passes between the Sun and the Earth. Unfortunately for us, this eclipse will be nowhere near full but we will watch the event unfold safely on a monitor that will be fed live images from a telescope fitted with a special solar filter. Learn what causes a solar eclipse and what it would look like from space peering down at the Earth, too.

For more information: Astronomy Events

=Registration Not Required=

Come watch the moon take a small bite out of the corner of the Sun as it passes between the Sun and the Earth. Unfortunately for us, this eclipse will be nowhere near full but we will watch the event unfold safely on a monitor that will be fed live images from a telescope fitted with a special solar filter. Learn what causes a solar eclipse and what it would look like from space peering down at the Earth, too.

For more information: Astronomy Events